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Sunday, November 15, 2009
Saying "I love you" without the spoken word
Often a gesture is stronger than a word or three words Three Words, that being the statement of affection with the reiterated term. .. I Love You. The concept stated is a hardy endearment to many, But why speak when the conduct is extremely loud and clear by this other method?
Think of the hand that has held yours at a time when encouragement was needed or praise was felt by both. It is the unspoken understanding between people that creates a lasting bond. A person can easily remember the touch of comfort and emotion that another feels through the senses. Have you ever just wanted to grab hold of someone and let them know that how you feel? Chances are that this being is overwhelmed with love of the motion you have just extended.
Placing your heart in view of others is complete sincerity with enviable charm. Prioritize this relationship and sacrifice some self indulgences. Treat the significant other with kind words, courtesy and possibly even material items , this is all done to reflect your thoughts about them. Is it possible that a person will almost always reciprocate with the same attitude you have set forth? I believe that when one kind indication is given, another is sure to follow with possibly a louder magnitude.
Love is expressed in various ways without speaking it directly. Take for instance the Father who wants to spend time with a daughter who resides in another state 1200 miles from his home. As a truck driver he has rearranged his daily runs to establish a route that would indirectly drive him right to her front door. His daughter knows his schedule and is sure to have his favorite dinner prepared for him, right down to the baby carrots he loves! It is without question that the love shared between the Father and Daughter is a mutual admiration. Can you recall an event that you prepared for, got dressed up for or even cleaned your house like a crazed person ? This was all to impress the other person and show them you took the time to please only them . It's love, and it is why we create special attention to one another.
Show your feelings of love without making a statement to someone, Act on it! and relish in the feeling that this powerful word has so much to give to so many. Just like a picture being worth thousands of dollars, our actions when loving another is a figure beyond denomination. Spend your emotions and factor in the possible returns.
We've all heard the saying, "Actions speak louder than words". It's true. We can say things to people and mean one thing while acting out the opposite. For example, "I love you". We say it and then we're impatient, short, curt, and hurtful when it comes to how we behave, especially to those we say matter to us the most . Here are a few suggestions on how to say 'I love you', without saying anything at all.
Breakfast in bed. It doesn't have to be elegant. How about just a fresh cut flower and a pop tart? It is, after all, the thought that counts, right? Imagine the message you'll be sending your spouse when you let them be the one to sleep in and brought them a pop tart!
Pouring one cup of coffee? Why not make it two? Don't ask, just do it. Show them that you were thinking about them.
Leave a note tucked under their pillow with one sentence of something you admire about them.
If your partmer usually does the laundry, surprise them and throw a load in and not only finish the process but put the clean, folded clothes away.
Picking up after yourself speaks volumes. It says that you consider the worth of your spouse to be more than your personal maid.
Do your own dishes, at least. Most homes have dishwashers and yet, I've seen countless kitchen sinks full of dirty dishes that have sat for days. Just who are you expecting to take care of it?
Do that one chore this week that your partner despises. Is it scrubbing the toilet? Taking out the trash? Mowing? Ironing? Roll up your sleeves and go for it.
You get all cleaned up for the office - why not your special someone, just because? It says that you care how you look for them and not everyone else. Comb the hair, get showered, put on some aftershave (or perfume, as they case may be). Good hygiene is attractive.
Lose some weight. We need to do it for ourselves, but many of us could stand to shed a few pounds so that we are our best for our loved ones. It says we care not only for them but for ourselves, enough to live a healthy life and be able to spend a longer lifetime with them.
Spend the day looking for the best in your partner and commenting on those things, choosing to not point out the negative. For every seven praises, it only takes one condemnation to erase them all and cause a person to feel like a failure. Make your partner feel like a winner and point out the positive.
Is there a project unfinished or that you've been dragging your feet over and is a sore spot with your mate? Why not quietly get back to it and get 'er done!
Leave a love note tucked in the pants pocket, wallet, lunch bag... What a lift during a hard day at work.
Pack a light picnic (crackers, cheese, fruit, drinks) and take a ride to their favorite 'spot'. Top of the hill, down by the beach, etc. I once witnessed a young woman arrive about ten minutes before her husband down by the lake we lived by and she covered the table along the pathway with a linen table cloth, wine glass, real plates, flatware and they celebrated his birthday right there. It was beautiful and she went to a lot of preparation to make it so nice. If it spoke volumes to me, imagine what it did for him!
That's the thing about telling someone you love them without saying anything - you spend a lot of time thinking about them as you think about what you're doing (or going to do) for them. Have fun and come up with some of your own. Someone will love you for it.
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