Sunday, November 15, 2009

Saying "I love you" without the spoken word

Love is expressed in various ways without speaking it directly. Take for instance the Father who wants to spend time with a daughter who resides in another state 1200 miles from his home. As a truck driver he has rearranged his daily runs to establish a route that would indirectly drive him right to her front door. His daughter knows his schedule and is sure to have his favorite dinner prepared for him, right down to the baby carrots he loves! It is without question that the love shared between the Father and Daughter is a mutual admiration. Can you recall an event that you prepared for, got dressed up for or even cleaned your house like a crazed person ? This was all to impress the other person and show them you took the time to please only them . It's love, and it is why we create special attention to one another.

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