Saturday, October 31, 2009


Even if one is the greatest sinner who is unable to leave his sinful and deadly deeds can be considered as a Greatest Sage, if and only if, he depends truly on the lord alone. Deeper Implications What do the words “Depending on Lord alone and nothing else” signify? It signifies not only complete surrender to the Lord but also complete love toward him such that no other thoughts dare to enter the mind. If one loves the God in such a way and has surrendered to him completely, how could he have even traces of sinful behavior? Certainly Not!!! Then why does the God says so? One cannot become a master overnight! He needs to patiently practice for many years with dedication and perseverance before he becomes a master. But a Spiritual Aspirant can be considered as a master as soon as he resolves to depend only on the God without asking any thing in return. One can achieve glory only by right resolve. To rightly resolve is to surrender in Toto to God and remain in his protection without grief. Same message is once again delivered in Chapter 18 66th Sloka more clearly.

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